• Business Psyche

    Business Psyche combines psychological expertise and business coaching to enhance the smooth transition of transferable skills from education to world of business, and to hone decision making and communication in organizations

  • What We Offer

    We offer a range of bespoke training opportunities focusing on making graduates more employable through recognition and development of transferable skills for the world of work, skilling up new graduates to develop viable business plans and strategies, and improving the communication and decision making in organizations.

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    For Universities

    Employability is now top of the agenda for Higher Education in the UK, featuring in University league tables, and providing a key criterion used by prospective students to choose a University. In order to maximize employability, it is critical to train students across disciplines to:

    • recognize and package the skills they are learning (discipline specific and transferable)
    • consider how their skills may be used by future employers outside their disciplines
    • learn how to present their skills to non-academic (and business) audiences
    • learn how to write business plans, including time and cost projections 

    Business Psyche provides a bespoke, intensive one-day workshop for students in order to aid them to recognize and package the skills they have for non-academic audiences, understand the value of the skills they have been learning, and to see how they might apply those skills to add value in a business context.


    We also provide a bespoke workshop for academics in skills packaging and presentation to business audiences.


    If you'd like to know more please get in touch.

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    For Businesses

    Improving the skills needed to effectively communicate with customers.

    We help employees understand why customers need their services. We deliver workshops that encourage teams to focus on how to think from a customer perspective. We can improve presentation skills, advise on structure and reignite their passion about delivering the best service they are capable of.

  • About Us

    Both Kenny and Peter are keen to use their varied experiences to connect classroom learning to the practical skills needed in the workplace

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    Professor Kenny Coventry

    Award-winning psychologist

    Professor Kenny Coventry is an award-winning psychologist with extensive experience working in the higher education sector. He has utilized his psychological expertise working with a range of external organizations, including Norwich City Football Club, Sistema Norwich and Ordnance Survey. Much in demand as a keynote speaker and presenter internationally, he has published widely in the fields of human communication and decision making. More information about Kenny’s research on communication and decision making can be found here.

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    Peter Kerr

    Digital Director - Daykin & Storey

    Peter is currently the Digital Director at Daykin & Storey and a director of 8020 Consultants. He has successfully provided business consultancy and digital marketing services services to a variety of clients both regionally and nationally. He has delivered a wide range of projects including business development plans, marketing strategies, investment readiness support and technology strategies & roadmaps. He has also acted as an interim MD and marketing director for several clients. Prior to 2005, Peter was a director at a national advertising agency and also ran his own software development company. l More information about 8020 offers can be found at here.

  • Watch a video from a previous event

    Clicl below to watch the video

  • Business Psyche Availability

    Check the calendar below for when we are available to deliver the workshop

  • Contact Us

    Please drop us a line if you'd like to arrange a chat to learn more about what we do.

    Research and Enterprise Services
    East Office, University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park, Norwich NR4 7TJ
    Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm
    +44 (0)1603 597145
  • Connect With Us

    Click on the icons below to connect. We look forward to talking to you

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    Phone: +44 (0)1603 597145